ES Spotlight - Episode 12 [TheTookyBird]

This video is apart of a double feature. See the link here: It's not often that I'm fortunate enough to have a sit-down with a Renaissance Lady. It's rarer still that we share many commonalities. But you see that alot in this episode with tonight's guest, TheTookyBird. Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight I sit down with someone who has taken a deep dive into Wyress roleplay and the lore surrounding the Wyrd. She has even written a guide to the obscurity of Wyress lore (to be found below) as well as a few journal entries that showcase how in-depth her characters are. Interestingly enough, she was also one of the first people to help start RPHQ. A fact that I did not learn about until after the interview. Funny how some things tend to go around full circle. Anyways ladies and gents, it was a real pleasure to have a conversation with Tooky and I'm sure you guys will enjoy this episode as well. So sit back and have a listen!

The Obscurity of the Wyrd -

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