"Other" roleplay communities
Roleplayers congregate all over the internet and real life. This is a list of RP communities which don't fit into other categories in our database or are not specific to certain types of RP. Since this is a 'catch-all' category, you should expect a great deal of diversity among the forums and sites listed here.
Help expand this list by contacting us and telling us of other RP communities you know of!
FLGs of the World is a map with markers for local game stores which are friendly to roleplayers and/or allow people to play RPGs in their store.
I Fucking Love Roleplaying (or IFLRP) is an active Facebook group mostly focused on tabletop RP, but with plenty of discussion and posts that could apply to any form of roleplaying.
Meetup.com is used for a lot more than just RP, but the clicking the image above will take you to their "Sci-fi and Games" category, where you can see if other RPers in your area might be meeting up and seeking additional players.
Obsidian Portal is a website which allows people to create wikis for their RP campaigns. Clicking the image above will take you to their 'Games Nearby' function, where you can see if other RPers in your area might be looking for additional players.
Don't see your site/community here?
A guide elaborating upon the characteristics of defense, and how they manifest.